Desk Reviews

Two desk reviews on (i) gender in NbCS aquaculture systems, and (ii) gender and M&E in aquaculture systems will be conducted to identify the key variables that we need to monitor for different types of aquacultures focusing on rights, value/commodity chains, and drivers of production. Context specific variables are to be identified. The NbCS aquaculture systems include but are not limited to: rice-fish farming, seaweed farming, mangrove planting and husbandry, crab banks and clam culture, integrated aquaculture system with livestocks/ agriculture, and other extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture systems.

Training manuals on gender and M&E in the project management cycle and tools include the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) and Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning and Adaptation (MERLA) frameworks commonly used by development projects and interventions. However, there is a need for specific frameworks that can be useful in to develop a gender monitoring schema and test the processes by which women and men participate in NbCS aquaculture that help achieve transitions to greater sustainability under climate change.

Stakeholders Meeting

Stakeholder meetings will be held to understand the awareness of key stakeholders such as project managers from government, development/research organizations and private organizations. Since many of the stakeholders might not be familiar with the full conceptualisation of gender, the meeting might include some capacity building on gender awareness and concepts.

Gender Monitoring Schema

The project will develop a gender monitoring schema to test the processes by which women and men participate in NbCS aquaculture that help achieve transitions to greater sustainability under climate change.

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