News and Events

Expert Clinic on Gender Monitoring Schema

Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe presenting the “Gender-responsive monitoring schema in aquaculture” at the expert clinic organized by IDRC during the 2nd AQUADAPT peer-learning event in Penang from 21-23 July 2024.

The clinic was attended by 16 participants from other AQUADAPT teams and ended with an interesting discussion about the importance of and challenges inherent in monitoring processes, including psychological, economic, social, cultural and environmental processes in a project.

Redefining the Blue Economy: Towards Gender Equity and Social Inclusion

GeNA Team Members Participate in 2nd AQUADAPT Peer-Learning Event in Penang

GeNA team members, Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe, Dr. Arlene Nietes Satapornvanit and Dr. Nikita Gopal, attended the 2nd AQUADAPT peer-learning event in Penang from 21-23 July 2024, along with participants from 10 other AQUADAPT projects. The peer-learning was organized by IDRC and WorldFish with support from Inclusive Innovation. #IDRC_AQUADAPT #WorldFish

"Governance for Inclusive and Resilient Aquatic Food Systems" Discussion at IIFET Conference 2024

GeNA’s contributions to the IIFET Conference 2024 held between July 15 – 19, 2024. On the second day of the conference, GeNA team members Dr. Meryl Williams, 
Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe, and Dr. Nikita Gopal actively participated in a discussion on “Governance for Inclusive and Resilient Aquatic Food Systems”. The discussion helped to bring the focus of the Blue Economy on equitability in line with the theme of IIFET 2024 which was Aquatic Food Systems in the Blue Economy. About 350 experts from 51 countries gathered in Penang, Malaysia, to discuss and shape the future of fisheries and aquaculture economics.

Original post from WorldFish

Distinguished Service Award for Dr. Meryl Williams

Dr. Meryl Williams was awarded the 2024 Distinguished Service Award by the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET) in acknowledgement of her lifelong dedication to sustainable fisheries and her pivotal role in improving the welfare of fishing communities worldwide.

Dr. Meryl Williams is a member of GeNA project team and past president of GAFS. Throughout her career, she has significantly impacted marine conservation and policy on a global scale. Her leadership positions, including Director General of the WorldFish Center, showcase her expertise. Notably, she champions gender equality within the field, increasing awareness of women’s contributions to fisheries and aquaculture economics.

The award was given at the IIFET 2024 conference in Penang, Malaysia (July 15-19), where she was an invited speaker and also co-lead the workshop “Integrating Gender into Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics and Trade Research.”

Margarita Lizárraga Medal Award for Dr Meryl Williams.

Dr. Meryl Williams was awarded the Margarita Lizárraga Medal for her global impact on fisheries and dedication to women’s empowerment on 9 July 2024 at the 36th Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI36). Dr. Kafayat accepted the award on behalf of Dr. Williams.


The Medal, which is awarded by the Director-General FAO every two years, was established in 1997 to pay tribute to the late Ms Margarita Saucedo Lizárraga, Senior FAO Fishery Liaison Officer, for her work in promoting the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries for almost forty years, for her great dedication to FAO and for her strong commitment towards fostering the promotion of the fisheries sector, especially in developing countries.


Awardees are selected based on an outstanding, practical hands-on contribution to the application of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries demonstrating a tangible output; the activity should be a sustained effort, and not a one–off initiative; and the output should have the potential for a catalytic effect.


Monitoring gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture: Making the invisible visible

Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe made a presentation on “Monitoring gender equality in fisheries and aquaculture: Making the invisible visible” on 24 January 2024 at the symposium on Rural Sustainability in the Asia PacificMonitoring only outcomes and not processes makes project monitoring inefficient in capturing how development efforts can move from one outcome to the next, and therefore the learning from such monitoring efforts are limited.

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